Submitted by Orcas Senior Center.
Silent auction
Come one, come all! Break the winter doldrums by taking part in a silent auction from Feb. 1 to 15 at the Orcas Senior Center. Beginning on Tuesday, Feb. 1, you will find a selection of home décor, original art, and other interesting items on auction. All are items donated to the Orcas Senior Center, with the profit from the sale of these items going directly to support of the center. The winner of each item will be the person with the highest bid when the auction closes promptly at noon on Tuesday, February 15. While you’re at the Orcas Senior Center, check out Grannie’s Closet. Located in the corner of the lobby, Grannie’s Closet offers a constantly changing assortment of small items available by donation. Both the silent auction and Grannie’s Closet are open to anyone, so take a look, and check back often!
Home maintenance and repair pilot program coordinator sought
Orcas Senior Center is recruiting for a part-time independent contractor to coordinate its Home Maintenance & Repair (HM&R) pilot program. The HM&R Coordinator will be responsible for receiving maintenance and repair requests, facilitating agreements with contractors, and assuring that work is done well and in a timely manner for seniors and adults with disabilities.
Successful candidates will be licensed, bonded, and insured. In addition, candidates must pass a background check and be willing to additionally list Orcas Senior Center as also insured on their policy.
The HM&R pilot project stems from a critical need discovered as part of a feasibility study (2017-2019), an assessment funded by a grant from the Orcas Island Community Foundation. It illuminated the problem that many seniors and adults with disabilities are unable to keep up with home repairs and ranked this higher than health concerns. Today, the problem is compounded because many contractors in the San Juan Islands are currently too busy to take on small projects.
The one-year HM&R pilot program will connect seniors and adults with disabilities with licensed, bonded, and insured contractors to perform maintenance and repair work, allowing them to age safely in their homes. Homeowners will pay the contractors directly for all repairs. In the future, program resources may also include an HM&R Assistance Fund to subsidize home maintenance, repair, and safety modifications for lower-income seniors and adults with disabilities.
To apply and to see the scope of work for the HM&R Coordinator position, please go to the Orcas Senior Center website at For inquiries contact (360) 919-9312 or [email protected]. Applications due Monday, February 4.
‘The Effectiveness of KN95/N95/KF94 Masks’
Are you wondering if you are wearing the appropriate mask? Join Rob Wilson, retired mechanical engineer and product designer, as he helps us better understand the tidal wave of information regarding proper mask use. Rob will discuss cloth masks versus high performance masks (i.e., N95, KN95, and KF94) and how they differ when filtering small particles. He will also discuss mask fit, as peripheral leaks on high performance masks are a hugely important issue that is often overlooked.
Near the beginning of the pandemic, Orcas resident Wilson started working on mask design and testing of masks, joined a scientific consortium for data-driven study of N95 filtering facepiece respirator decontamination, called N95DECON, and co-authored technical papers on the efficacy of cloth masks and designed and built equipment being used to test masks for filter efficiency and breathability. To attend this presentation, go to the Calendar of Events at on Friday, February 4 at 11am. To continue offering great programs like this one, your generous donation is always welcome.
Qigong and T’ai Chi Chih Joy Through Movement
Quiet the mind and strengthen the body with Joan Roulac’s Ease Please four-week Qigong series. These 15-minute sessions will gently loosen muscles, strengthen immunity, build balance, and increase energy. Series begins either Wednesday, Feb. 2 at 9 a.m. or Thursday, Feb. 3 at 12:30 p.m. Fee for either series is $40.
Learn gentle flowing movements that strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, and build better balance in a four-week T’ai Chi Chih Joy Through Movement series. Designed for beginners, this practice can be done seated or standing and will meet Tuesdays, beginning Feb. 8 and ending March 1, from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Series fee $75.
Joan started teaching T’ai Chi Chih after becoming a certified instructor in 1987 and now leads Zoom classes around the world.
For inquiries and registration, please contact Roulac directly at 360-298-2789 or [email protected].
Ukulele Kanikapila
Join the Kanikapila, Hawaiian for “play music,” led by Kathy Collister every Thursday from 1 to 3 p.m. at Orcas Senior Center. Kathy led a similar group prior to the pandemic, and she is back! The first half hour will be a lesson or two and then from 1:30 to 3 p.m. everyone will have the opportunity to play. A rock and roller at heart, Kathy has been playing for about a decade and as a lover of all types of music, she would love to introduce you to the joys of making your own. All levels of ukulele expertise are welcome, but as per Kathy’s request, please be prepared to show your vaccination card at your first session. Mask and distancing are required at Orcas Senior Center and there is no fee to attend. For inquiries, please contact Kathy at [email protected].